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Pakiet dla małych przedsiębiorstw
5–50 komputerów PC
10–200 komputerów PC
Leczenie dla sieci
Leczenie komputerów PC i serwerów
Skanowanie plików i adresów URL
Wtyczki do przeglądarek
Dr.Web ATM Shield
Scentralizowana ochrona systemów wbudowanych (bankomatów, terminali i multikiosków). Więcej
Dla producentów urządzeń
Dr.Web vxCube
Dochodzenia VCI
Dr.Web KATANA consists of a set of next-generation Dr.Web anti-virus technologies that is designed to provide advanced protection. It will shield your computer from threats your anti-virus may not yet be able to detect.
Requires no configuration and starts operating effectively as soon as it is installed.
A set of pre-installed protection scripts and a fine tuning option make it possible to fully control the protection process, while adapting it to the needs of the user.
Dr.Web KATANA offers system protection even if a PC is not connected to the Internet.
Protects a wide range of Windows OS—from Windows XP to the latest version Windows 11. Find out more
Product system requirements can be found in the documentation.
Every day the Doctor Web anti-virus laboratory receives several hundred thousand program samples. Every day tens of thousands of entries are added into the company’s virus databases. These are the threats with which our virus analysts are already familiar and for which neutralisation routines have been designed. However, programs that have not yet been analysed by information security experts are the ones that most benefit cybercriminals.
Dr.Web KATANA offers protection against the latest malicious programs that have been designed to bypass detection by traditional signature-based scanning and heuristic mechanisms. These programs have not yet been analysed by the anti-virus laboratory and, therefore, are unknown to Dr.Web at the moment of intrusion. They include the latest encryption ransomware programs, Trojan injectors, and Trojan blockers, as well as threats that exploit zero-day vulnerabilities.
Dr.Web KATANA starts protecting a system during the boot-up phase, even before the traditional, signature-based anti-virus is loaded!
The functionality of anti-virus software must constantly be enhanced to keep pace with ever-evolving and ever-increasing numbers of malware programs. Such enhancements often decrease computer performance and irritate users to the point that they sometimes prefer to disable their anti-virus protection in order to allow their computers to work faster. Dr.Web KATANA’s developers have significantly enhanced computer security to create a new product that is practically invisible in terms of system load and system resource usage.
Dr.Web KATANA neutralises the actions of active malware programs without overloading the system.
Dr.Web KATANA’s protection is grounded in non-signature-based search methods, the neutralisation of malware, and cloud protection technologies. The product analyses and monitors all system processes and blocks those exhibiting malicious behaviour.
Traditional behavioural analysers are based on predefined rules describing the behaviour of legitimate programs. Such rules are well known to criminals. Dr.Web KATANA acts differently. This product analyses the behaviour of each running program in real time by comparing it with the reputation information stored in the Dr.Web cloud, which is constantly being updated. Dr.Web subsequently uses that information to determine whether a program is dangerous and then takes whatever measures are necessary to neutralise the threat.
Traditional behavioural analysers monitor the requests malicious programs make of various system resources. But what if a malicious program, having infiltrated the browser, makes no requests of the system and simply modifies, for example, the screen you use to interact with your bank?
Dr.Web KATANA monitors malware activity within processes so that attempts to steal confidential information or transfer money from your account will be prevented in a timely manner!
Dr.Web KATANA is known to be compatible with anti-virus software from TrendMicro, Symantec, Kaspersky, McAfee, ESET, and others.
For full control over critical Windows areas, the protection level can be increased to Paranoid. Increasing the protection level provides the system with additional security in the event malware that has not yet been added to the Dr.Web virus database is active. But, at the same time, the risk increases for conflicts to arise between the prohibitions that have been placed on the system by the preventive protection and the requirements of the running applications.
Deweloperzy próbują wydawać poprawki dla znanych podatności tak szybko, jak to tylko możliwe. Przykładowo, Microsoft dość często wypuszcza aktualizacje bezpieczeństwa dla swoich produktów. Jednakże użytkownicy często instalują niektóre z nich zbyt późno (lub nie instalują ich wcale). To zachęca intruzów do wyszukiwania nowych podatności i wykorzystywania na zaatakowanych komputerach tych już odkrytych i jeszcze nie usuniętych.
Dziś jednym z najpopularniejszych sposobów penetrowania systemu przez złośliwe programy jest instalacja dodatków do aplikacji pod płaszczykiem użytecznych programów.
W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnego antywirusa, Dr.Web KATANA nie zawiera bazy sygnatur wirusów, komponentu wymagającego aktualizacji.
W odróżnieniu od tradycyjnych antywirusów Dr.Web KATANA nie zawiera bazy sygnatur, komponentu wymagającego aktualizowania.
Aby wykryć złośliwe aktywności Dr.Web KATANA używa informacji zapisanych przez antywirusa lokalnie jak i danych dotyczących reputacji pochodzących z Chmury Dr.Web i zawierających:
Podsystem chmury w Dr.Web KATANA potrafi zbierać informacje o działaniu antywirusów Dr.Web na komputerach PC, włączając dane o zupełnie nowych zagrożeniach, co pozwala Doctor Web na szybką odpowiedź na wykryte defekty i na aktualizowanie reguł zapisanych na komputerze lokalnie.