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Pakiet dla małych przedsiębiorstw
5–50 komputerów PC
10–200 komputerów PC
Leczenie dla sieci
Leczenie komputerów PC i serwerów
Skanowanie plików i adresów URL
Wtyczki do przeglądarek
Dr.Web ATM Shield
Scentralizowana ochrona systemów wbudowanych (bankomatów, terminali i multikiosków). Więcej
Dla producentów urządzeń
Dr.Web vxCube
Dochodzenia VCI
A company’s employees may work both in the office and at home, including on their own devices. Even if a user disables their anti-virus or works without anti-virus protection, they must be protected from receiving fraudulent emails: an email can contain a link to a malicious website, a malicious attachment, or instructions that appear to come from the company CEO, directing the transfer of money to a scam account.
Checking email messages directly on the mail server makes it impossible for users to receive malicious emails and forward them to their colleagues, clients, and partners.
Dr.Web Mail Security Suite for anti-virus and anti-spam email filtering ensures that employees are able to work securely in the office, at home, and when away on business trips—without viruses, spam, and messages from cybercriminals that contain links leading to malicious and fraudulent sites.
Dr.Web represents:
Even if your domain gets hacked or your traffic gets intercepted by cybercriminals, they won't be able to send you viruses and spam.
An email sent from an infected computer will not have a chance to tarnish your reputation.
Includes only the most essential protection components — there’s no need to pay for elements or even entire software solutions that will never be used.
Origins Tracing™, the non-signature technology used to scan for unknown viruses, advanced heuristic analysis, Dr.Web Cloud and Dr.Web routines based on machine learning permit any, even unknown, malicious programs to be detected—at the moment of attack.
Does not require lengthy configuration before it can be used.
Scans mail traffic as a transparent proxy or as a proxy that checks traffic to transfer it to a specified mail server.
with any configuration used by your customers’ mail servers
over information security
Dr.Web for Unix Mail Servers protects a company's server and prevents intruders from injecting malicious software into it for the purpose of intercepting, analysing and substituting emails—a server will not become a source of infection.
The Dr.Web anti-virus detects not only known malicious programs but also malware that hasn't yet been analysed by the anti-virus laboratory—this is Dr.Web’s traditional advantage.
Dr.Web Anti-spam is updated every hour, but in general, daily updates are enough—the system of rules according to which it operates, even with rare updates, prevents its effectiveness from being decreased.
This solution can be installed as a mail gateway to ensure the isolation of an internal server and maximum filtration quality.
Rules are used, not a list of options imbedded in code.
Dr.Web Anti-virus:
The system administrator can choose how to manage security: via the web interface, the centralised corporate anti-virus protection system, or even by directly editing configuration files.
The settings for the filtering services and the quarantine can be stored in a wide range of storage types—from ordinary files to databases like Oracle. LDAP-supported services are integrated with the directory service used to store settings, making it easier to administer the solution.
Dr.Web meets the requirements of all customers.
The product’s quarantine and message back-up feature let users recover accidentally deleted messages and also conduct investigations into information leaks and analyse how a virus epidemic is spreading. This is possible because the quarantine can be managed via both the web interface and a special utility and because the option exists to archive all emails.
Even if a user is unavailable for a long period of time and cannot receive messages, their messages will be stored in a special directory where they can be accessed at any time. This makes it easier to configure a mail server and lets users avoid having to purchase special products for these purposes.
* In Dr.Web MSS for UNIX 6.0
To analyse email messages, Dr.Web Mail Security Suite for UNIX uses rules that allow it to recognise features characteristic of spam mailings. One rule can cut off all the mailings being sent by a single spammer.
System requirements can be found in the documentation.