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Pakiet dla małych przedsiębiorstw
5–50 komputerów PC
10–200 komputerów PC
Leczenie dla sieci
Leczenie komputerów PC i serwerów
Skanowanie plików i adresów URL
Wtyczki do przeglądarek
Dr.Web ATM Shield
Scentralizowana ochrona systemów wbudowanych (bankomatów, terminali i multikiosków). Więcej
Dla producentów urządzeń
Dr.Web vxCube
Dochodzenia VCI
Reliable Easy Convenient
The new version resolves this problem — Dr.Web now detects malicious code in UEFI firmware from the moment of installation.
An important feature of the Dr.Web Anti-virus that always distinguishes it from other anti-viruses is its exceptional resistance and its ability to even be installed in an infected system. Dr.Web is traditionally used to cure infections missed by other security systems.
The new version of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 incorporates enhanced technologies to cure active infections.
Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 can be deployed in any network, including in cases when the malware involved is actively resisting this process.
The combination of a traditional signature virus database, non-signature technologies, and preventive protection technologies enables Dr.Web to combat any unknown malicious threats — WannaCry included!
The Firewall settings added to Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 have significantly improved the security of Windows PCs and file servers.
New! Centralised Firewall administration.
The new packet-filtering subsystem blocks malicious actions so you don’t have to fine-tune restrictions for each program you use.
Another new Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 component — the Network Port Monitor — lets system administrators control access to a device using settings for selected ports. Cybercriminals cannot gain access by using non-standard ports to bypass the protection system.
New in version 11! Settings for different system users.
A special feature of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 is the revamped Office Control. Now network administrators can configure restrictions for all of the users who use the same device.
The new version significantly enhances the ability of system administrators to restrict access to a network of removable devices.
Now access rules can be centrally created not only by using device buses and classes separately, but also by combining them.
The broadcast update mode in Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 is enabled by default — now network stations do not have to receive updates separately using the bandwidth capabilities of a company’s network.
The broadcast update mode, the caching of updates and the anti-virus agent components, the caching of encrypted traffic, and the accumulation of the events transmitted by the Dr.Web Agents for their subsequent scheduled transfer to the Dr.Web Server — all of these features make it possible to use the new version of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 in high-load virtual environments or low-quality bandwidth situations.
The new Proxy-server version allows companies to save even more traffic.
Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Proxy-server can be installed on network machines with the help of the Dr.Web Agents.
The settings are now accessible via the Control Center.
Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite can be used even in networks that lack Internet access. In this case, Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite can be updated as before using special utilities, and Dr.Web Proxy-server's cache can be updated manually, from the Dr.Web Server repository in particular.
Easy deployment on remote objects with a local network.
A single Dr.Web agent installation package is created for multiple stations within a group.
It is also downloaded a single time and can then be distributed to all the stations in a group, including remotely over the network.
Integrated workstation security settings based on policies.
Policies can be managed within the anti-virus network.
Workstation permissions, workstation task scheduling, license keys, an update policy, the list of protection components to be installed and their configuration can all be managed.
Pre-installed and individualised policies.
New Dr.Web Control Center implementation
Dr.Web Control Center no longer uses Adobe Flash technology. An HTML5-based implementation has replaced it.
Now the most frequently used services are always at an administrator's fingertips—in a special custom section of the Control Center's main menu.
Redesigned tables and graphs.
Statistics can be exported simultaneously for multiple items in the anti-virus network view.
The Dr.Web server log can be viewed in the Control Center in real time.
Dr.Web for Microsoft Exchange Server’s settings can be changed and its statistics can be viewed via the Control Center.
The Network Port Monitor component for Windows hosts.
We’ve expanded the list of downloadable utilities, including the Dr.Web ESS mobile control center.
The utility can be used to remotely connect to the Dr.Web Server to perform basic tasks and view statistics.
Companies relying solely on an anti-virus for protection are unprepared to deal with the current IT threat situation. They need to deploy an anti-virus protection system capable of withstanding ultramodern threats, which appear daily. This brochure describes the main paths through which corporate networks get infected and what needs to be done to implement an anti-virus protection system for a local network.
For IT department managers and experts responsible for corporate anti-virus security.