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Pakiet dla małych przedsiębiorstw
5–50 komputerów PC
10–200 komputerów PC
Leczenie dla sieci
Leczenie komputerów PC i serwerów
Skanowanie plików i adresów URL
Wtyczki do przeglądarek
Dr.Web ATM Shield
Scentralizowana ochrona systemów wbudowanych (bankomatów, terminali i multikiosków). Więcej
Dla producentów urządzeń
Dr.Web vxCube
Dochodzenia VCI
After mastering this course, a specialist will be able to deploy and steer more confidently through the Suite’s features.
This course describes what modern anti-virus protection systems must be capable of and the typical mistakes that companies make in practice when deploying an anti-virus protection system. A special section of the course is devoted to rules of conduct in the event of a virus-related computer incident (VCIs).
How can you make sure you act appropriately when a virus-related computer incident occurs? What actions should you take if a trojan encrypts your files or steals your money from an online banking system? Find out in the Legal section .