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Pakiet dla małych przedsiębiorstw
5–50 komputerów PC
10–200 komputerów PC
Leczenie dla sieci
Leczenie komputerów PC i serwerów
Skanowanie plików i adresów URL
Wtyczki do przeglądarek
Dr.Web ATM Shield
Scentralizowana ochrona systemów wbudowanych (bankomatów, terminali i multikiosków). Więcej
Dla producentów urządzeń
Dr.Web vxCube
Dochodzenia VCI
5-500 PCs starting from 30€
A 50% discount is available to educational institutions that purchase a Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite license.
Centrum Zarządzania jest dostarczane bezpłatnie.
Fill out this web form. A link to the Dr.Web eStore, where you will be able to purchase a license at a discount, will be sent to your email address.
Choose a Doctor Web partner from the list. Specify what type of educational instution you represent and our partner will assist you with the purchase.
Because the prices set for Dr.Web bundles are already so low, you cannot apply for a renewal discount. To continue using Dr.Web bundles, you will need to purchase a new license (for the same bundle or for Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite (customer's choice)).
When renewing the Dr.Web Safe School bundle, customers receive a 40% discount. To renew your license, go to the Renewal Wizard