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Wtyczki do przeglądarek
Dr.Web ATM Shield
Scentralizowana ochrona systemów wbudowanych (bankomatów, terminali i multikiosków). Więcej
Dla producentów urządzeń
Dr.Web vxCube
Dochodzenia VCI
Centralised protection for embedded systems (ATMs, POS networks, multi-kiosks, etc.)
Dr.Web ATM Shield incorporates all the necessary elements of protection and a single control center. System administrators don’t need to install a variety of products, and they can collect statistics with practically a single click.
Dr.Web ATM Shield incorporates tools for centrally managing all the anti-virus protection components of embedded systems, including deployment, virus database and software module updates, status-monitoring for all the protected network hosts, the delivery of virus-incident notifications and the configuration of automatic responses to such incidents, and the collection of statistics.
With the administration web interface, you can control the anti-virus protection from anywhere on the Internet or your local network and from any computer. You can schedule regular scans and virus database and program updates, adjust software settings, launch scans and perform other daily tasks in minutes. You can also implement custom security policies that may be required in a particular network or on certain groups of computers and assign individual administrators for these groups. If necessary, you can group together several Dr.Web ATM Shield servers and configure how they will interact with each other.